If you have a heart to serve the Lord, and further His kingdom, check out the areas below where KIUMC could use your gifts. Our church would not able to fulfill its vision if it were not for people willing to give of themselves and their talents to support our mission.
Whatever your passion, we can help you find a spot to share your time and talents. Click on an area of interest below to find out more or fill out the form to get more info!
Whatever your passion, we can help you find a spot to share your time and talents. Click on an area of interest below to find out more or fill out the form to get more info!
-Nursery (Sunday Mornings & Wednesday Evenings)
-Youth Group (Sunday Mornings & Wednesday Evenings)
-Sunday Hospitality
-Communications Team
Sign up to make a Connections Dinner
Are you someone who loves to share your gift of hospitality and cooking skills? Would you like to help with preparation or cleanup? We are looking for people to serve our Lord by serving our Connections Dinner Ministry on Wednesdays. If you’d like to sign up or want more information, please contact Mike & Barb Pivec at [email protected].
Slide Operator Sundays@11am
Join our Sunday tech team and help enhance worship for the congregation. We handle training and scheduling. Contact Janet Mann at [email protected].
Adult Sunday School Coordinator
We are looking for a new Adult Sunday School Coordinator to plan and schedule small group studies for the church. KIUMC members who are interested should contact Mike Turner ([email protected]).
Share Your Guitar Talent
The Revived Praise Team is looking for a lead guitarist! If you have a desire to use your gifts to help usher the congregation into the presence of God, please email Aaron at [email protected] or stop by after the 9:30 worship service and say hi. Auditions will be scheduled once we know who is interested. We are very excited to see who God will send our way!
Join Our Church Family – Become A Member
Thursdays, March 3-May 19, 6:30pm
Would you like to learn more about your faith and grow closer to Jesus? Are you interested in becoming a part of our church family? Contact Pastor Darlene Dixon to sign up: [email protected].
-Youth Group (Sunday Mornings & Wednesday Evenings)
-Sunday Hospitality
-Communications Team
Sign up to make a Connections Dinner
Are you someone who loves to share your gift of hospitality and cooking skills? Would you like to help with preparation or cleanup? We are looking for people to serve our Lord by serving our Connections Dinner Ministry on Wednesdays. If you’d like to sign up or want more information, please contact Mike & Barb Pivec at [email protected].
Slide Operator Sundays@11am
Join our Sunday tech team and help enhance worship for the congregation. We handle training and scheduling. Contact Janet Mann at [email protected].
Adult Sunday School Coordinator
We are looking for a new Adult Sunday School Coordinator to plan and schedule small group studies for the church. KIUMC members who are interested should contact Mike Turner ([email protected]).
Share Your Guitar Talent
The Revived Praise Team is looking for a lead guitarist! If you have a desire to use your gifts to help usher the congregation into the presence of God, please email Aaron at [email protected] or stop by after the 9:30 worship service and say hi. Auditions will be scheduled once we know who is interested. We are very excited to see who God will send our way!
Join Our Church Family – Become A Member
Thursdays, March 3-May 19, 6:30pm
Would you like to learn more about your faith and grow closer to Jesus? Are you interested in becoming a part of our church family? Contact Pastor Darlene Dixon to sign up: [email protected].