Sunday Services
8:00 AM - Communion (hymns) 9:30 AM - Contemporary (worship band with guitars and drums) 11:00 AM - Traditional (hymns) Communion is served at all three services on the first Sunday of every month. Across these three services, our worship features a Biblical message, uplifting music, and the sharing of prayers. We collect an offering that is intended to enable church members and regular attenders to offer gifts to God. It is not expected from guests. We encourage everyone to get involved in our music, media and worship ministries; to grow up, grow deep, and grow out as the body of Jesus Christ. What should I wear? Wear whatever makes you comfortable. You'll find some people in suits and dresses, while others are in shorts and sandals or a t-shirt and jeans. Should I bring my kids? Please do! All ages are welcome at any of our services. Children may stay through the entire service or participate in one of our children's or youth ministry programs. Click on the Kids & Youth tab to find out more. Get Our Texts!Want to receive text messages from us about Sunday services, important program updates, and events? Click the button below.
What are people saying about KIMC?
"I couldn't be more thankful and gracious to be apart of this loving family in Christ."
"I so love my church family and praise God for all He’s doing there!"
"I couldn't be more thankful and gracious to be apart of this loving family in Christ."
"I so love my church family and praise God for all He’s doing there!"