GriefShare is a care ministry that offers small-group bereavement support for those grieving the loss of a loved one. At Kent Island MC, we are a friendly, caring group of adults that will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. We are here for you and welcome you to join us anytime. Everyone from our church and community is welcome, any time.
To register for one of our support groups (or ask a question), please call 410-490-3484, or 410-925-7227, or email [email protected]. All our weekly adult Support Groups meet in person.
To register for one of our support groups (or ask a question), please call 410-490-3484, or 410-925-7227, or email [email protected]. All our weekly adult Support Groups meet in person.
2025 Winter/spring Schedule
All meetings are held at upstairs in Room #218 unless otherwise specified.
Tuesday 6pm-8pm - Bereaved Parents - January 14th through April 15th
Thursday 10am-12pm - Bereaved Spouse - January 16th through April 17th
Thursday 6pm-8pm - All Bereaved - January 16th through April 17th
Our Spring/Summer Program will begin May 6th and May 8th to August 12th and August 14th.
**Butterfly Release - Saturday, June 14th
Our Fall/Holiday Program will begin September 9th and September 11th to December 16th and December 18th.
**Surviving the Holidays Seminar - Tuesday, November 18th and Thursday, November 20th
Our door is always open! You can join one of our Support Groups at any time throughout our 2025 program. If you are a past attendee, you are always welcome to continue to attend your Support Group as many times as needed. We also have a Therapy Maintenance Program… maybe there are certain dates throughout the year when you need support and hugs. Please join us.
If you have any questions, please contact Annette at 410-490-3484 or email [email protected].
Surviving the Holidays Seminar … Nov 18th and 20th
Tuesday 6pm-8pm - Bereaved Parents - January 14th through April 15th
Thursday 10am-12pm - Bereaved Spouse - January 16th through April 17th
Thursday 6pm-8pm - All Bereaved - January 16th through April 17th
Our Spring/Summer Program will begin May 6th and May 8th to August 12th and August 14th.
**Butterfly Release - Saturday, June 14th
Our Fall/Holiday Program will begin September 9th and September 11th to December 16th and December 18th.
**Surviving the Holidays Seminar - Tuesday, November 18th and Thursday, November 20th
Our door is always open! You can join one of our Support Groups at any time throughout our 2025 program. If you are a past attendee, you are always welcome to continue to attend your Support Group as many times as needed. We also have a Therapy Maintenance Program… maybe there are certain dates throughout the year when you need support and hugs. Please join us.
If you have any questions, please contact Annette at 410-490-3484 or email [email protected].
Surviving the Holidays Seminar … Nov 18th and 20th
About Our Programs
We have weekly group meetings and facilitate two special seminars during our Fall/Holiday Program: Loss Of A Spouse, and Surviving The Holidays. If you'd like to learn more about the GriefShare program or receive information from the umbrella organization, please click a button below or fill out the form (this will go directly to our GriefShare program coordinator, Annette Potts.