Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered program with foundations firmly established in Biblical truth. The 12 Steps with accompanying Scriptures and the 8 Principles based on the Beatitudes offer participants a clear path of salvation and discipleship; bringing hope, freedom, sobriety, healing, and the opportunity to give back one day at a time through our one and only true Higher Power, Jesus Christ. The 12 Steps and the 8 Principles work seamlessly together, tying historical recovery to timeless Biblical teaching.

Our CR group is a safe place to meet for worship, lessons, and testimony. At 8:00 PM, we break into smaller groups for discussion and support.
Childcare is provided from 7:00 - 9:00 PM
If you have any questions, please contact us: [email protected].
Our CR group is a safe place to meet for worship, lessons, and testimony. At 8:00 PM, we break into smaller groups for discussion and support.
Childcare is provided from 7:00 - 9:00 PM
If you have any questions, please contact us: [email protected].
Past Events
Supporting Queen Anne's County Substance Abuse Campaign
Every September, we stand in support of QAC's annual campaign to raise awareness for substance abuse. QAC Goes Purple is a county initiative that involves the heath department and schools. Here's what Pastor Bob Timms said during a September 17 Sunday worship service: |
It's an awareness of the problem that we have...we allneedto be engaged. And if we can intercept these young people in school before they start down that road, well, Amen - that's a blessing. |
We participate in the Queen Anne's County drug education/awareness program (QAC Goes Purple) by offering information about our group and its activities/meetings.

Celebrate Recovery Hosts Haunted House
In October 2019, the Celebrate Recovery team, attendees and community volunteers participated in the QAC Haunted Trap House as part of QAC Goes Purple. Hundreds of youth and adults from all across Maryland and Delaware traveled to attend. Many CR folks were actors and tour guides, and spoke to people who came to the CR information table.
We also helped in the Trap House and helped to meet and greet people who wanted to tour the CR Mock Teen Bedroom- Drug Education/Awareness Trailer. It was an awesome opportunity to help educate the community abroad, share our faith, and offer people hope that can only come from Jesus Christ. Our God is an awesome God!
In October 2019, the Celebrate Recovery team, attendees and community volunteers participated in the QAC Haunted Trap House as part of QAC Goes Purple. Hundreds of youth and adults from all across Maryland and Delaware traveled to attend. Many CR folks were actors and tour guides, and spoke to people who came to the CR information table.
We also helped in the Trap House and helped to meet and greet people who wanted to tour the CR Mock Teen Bedroom- Drug Education/Awareness Trailer. It was an awesome opportunity to help educate the community abroad, share our faith, and offer people hope that can only come from Jesus Christ. Our God is an awesome God!
Click "PLAY" on the video below.